An Excellent Explanation of the Financial Crisis

These days when people find out the industry I work in, one of the first questions they ask me is about the current financial crisis.  When I started my job, I received some excellent training on the financial markets and in particular the credit crisis. A college friend recently tweeted a link to a short video explaining the whole mess in a way that almost anyone can understand and it reminded me of the training that I received. I decided to post the link here just in case you missed my post on Twitter. I highly recommend watching this video. Hopefully it will reduce the number of questions I am asked. 🙂

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

Where Have You Been?!?!

As you are all definitely aware, my fourth and last post on my trip to Walt Disney World never came when it was supposed to. Well, it is going to come eventually. I have had a draft of the posts written for a long time. The reason why the post never came was because the real world finally caught up to me. I have started my working life and it has officially taken 98% of my life.

I can’t really give you specifics about where I work or what I do but I do work at a large company in New York and I am a computer programmer; that’s all your gonna get. While my career has started my job hasn’t really started yet. I am currently in training and will join my team in a few weeks.

Another big life event happened after I started my job. I finally moved into my first apartment. I was supposed to move in before I started work but unfortunately my apartment was delayed since it was new construction. Because of the delay, I was unable to sign up for internet access until after I moved in. My installation date was also pushed back because I could only get an installation on the weekends (employees in training don’t get days off). So today is my first day with internet access; a full two weeks after I moved in.

Now that I am working full time, I forsee my blogging habits to morph into weekly posts made on the weekends. The first post after this one should hopefully be the conclusion to my Disney World trip. Now all I have to do is remember what happened on that vacation. Stay tuned to see if I can remember.